Register for Kino Dublin’s 3rd International Kabaret Now, which takes place 12th – 19th July, 2015:
The International Kabaret is divided up into three sessions
1. A two day session beginning on Sunday 12th, finishing on Monday 13th,
2. A three day session beginning on Tuesday 14th, concluding on Thursday 16th (this is the silent session during which sound for all films must be produced live in the screening venue),
3. A three day session beginning on Friday 17th, finishing on Sunday 19th.
The breakdown of each session is as follows;
At 10am Kabaret participants introduce themselves, tell us what they want to do for the session and what equipment they brought with them.
At 11am the pitching session begins. This is where anyone with an idea for a film tells their fellow participants about the film they want to make, how long it’s going to be (under six minutes), and what they need to complete the film (actors, editors, cameras, locations, props).
At 12pm the pitiching sessions ends and all the participants attach themselves to as many projects as they think they can help out on over the course of the session.
The rest of the session is spent shooting and editing the films that were pitched.
At 8pm on the last day of each session, a screening takes place of all the finished films. The films msut be handed in at least an hour before the screening begins.
There are no limits to the kinds of films you can make at a kabaret and anything from slapstick comedy to romances to documentaries to experimental films are welcome.
The only restrictions is that each film MUST be under 6 minutes, and that participants should not make films that could be interpreted as hate speech against any groups.
We try to give our international participants as affordable an experience as possible, which is why we house and feed them over the course of the week. Any Dublin based participants who think they can host participants should get in contact to help us achieve this goal. All you need to provide is a sofa or bed and a shower, we provide the food and everything else.
So if you want to make movies, and meet lots of like-minded people, Kino Dublin’s 2015 International Kabaret is a must-attend event.
Make films, not excuses, this July.